About Me

Thank you for visiting my "About Me" page.
My name is Cathy Baker and I would like to share with you a little about me...
I've been married to my husband, Robert for 12+ years and I'm also an (extra)ordinary mom of four little girls, and confident of the power of individual choice to change this big world.
My choices affect my family, my community and eventually everyone, even you. And your choices affect me...what I can buy, how much it costs, where I can get it, etc.
For as long as I can remember, I have always been interested in natural and organic products, but they were difficult to find. I was bitten by the "organic" bug in 2003 when my kids seemed to be battling one sickness after another (ear infections, colds, eczema, allergies, etc.), for months at a time. I grew tired of taking my kids to the Dr., only to receive a prescription that was not only expensive but did little to really solve the problem.
This led me on a journey to find natural solutions to various problems our family encountered on a day to day basis. Intuitively, I knew natural was better.
In 2002 I became pregnant with my third child, and was once again reminded not to take any OTC (over the counter) medications, (with the exception of a small list of 'approved' medicines). I stumbled upon Kevin Trudeau's Natural Cures book and couldn't put it down. I discovered how "brainwashed" that I had become throughout the years about things that are considered routine in today's society. Things like, OTC medicines, vaccinations, cleaning products, microwaves, etc.
Since then, I have been on a "quest" of sorts to find the most natural and/or organic products available in the stores that I shop. Not an easy task!
Pickin's are slim in most mainstream super stores, and although there are a few natural health stores in my area, its not worth the trip for the one or two items I may be looking for...especially with the rising price of gas!
So I created a website: http://www.all-natural-living.com to give you the insight I've learned about natural products and a place where you can purchase some of them, if you choose.
During the last 10 years our family has embraced an eco-friendly lifestyle including: organic foods/gardening and homeopathy, and mostly anything chemical-free and healthy. Within the last 3 yrs. we added glyconutrients
to our diet for optimum health and yoga/running for exercise.
How did I build a website with 4 girls under ten years old and a household to manage?
I was introduced to a personalized website creation resource called 'SBI', Site Build It! You can do this to! Its really simple!
Find out why I love SBI! and why you will too.
Check out the 
My journey using the SBI site builder has been an incredible learning experience. I have learned not only how to build a highly ranked website, but I have also learned how to attract the kind of people who are interested in what I have to offer - natural living products. This kind of marketing is called 'Attraction Marketing' and its one of the best ways to market over the internet.
Thank you for taking the time to visit my About Me page and most importantly my All Natural Living website. If there is any way I can assist you, please let me know by filling out the
Contact Us Form
and I will answer any questions you have.
Now that you have learned About Me, I would love to show you what I do...
Ever thought about starting a home -based business and being your own boss?
Say YES To Wellness!
I would be glad to help you get on the success track in your home based business. Fill out the contact form on this page and I will be happy to give you more information.
If you're interested in making positive changes to live a healthier, more prosperous life - These tips and suggestions will be valuable to you and your family.
Please sign up for our new E-zine, "Live-4Real"?
It's totally free!! It will show you - little by little, how you can create a naturally healthier life.
Fill out your email address below and you can start receiving up to date information once a month on a topic related to "Living-4Real."
Warm Regards,
Cathy Baker
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